12 Metrics of Attention

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Global metrics

Total A : total attention (active attention + passive attention) of the media

AA index : active attention index of the media. The Happiests and The Explorers segments index on the media usage.

PA index : passive attention index of the media. The Materialists, The Saddests and The Cautious index on the media usage.

INA index : inattention index of the media. The Princesses segment index on the media usage.

ZI index :  weighting between AA index and Multi L-T index

Multi L-T : long-term profit multiplier depending on the media. Multi L-T index = Multi L-T / 1.61 (average profit multiplier) X 100

Br.=0, Act. =1: Br = For Branding Strategy, Act. = Short-term sales activation. Short term sales activation is when AA index is equal or higher to 110

Other metrics

AA (secs) : seconds of active attention according to industry standards for a standard format (30 seconds, full page, etc.)

Aj. AA (secs) : seconds of active attention adjusted with the active attention index.

(000) Net : thousand net impressions (total impressions X % total attention).

AA (000) : share of Active attention X (000) net

Aj. AA (000) : net impressions of active attention seconds adjusted by active attention index

Media-induced emotional arousal

The more intense the emotion, the higher the attention for the media. Our six (6) emotions climb to 12. Exhilaration/joy, astonishment/surprise, anger/frustration, disgust/discomfort, sadness/boredom and finally fear/anxiety. Here, intensity is measured by an index.


An index of 100 corresponds to the standard (average). An index between 110 and 119 represents low intensity while an index of 120 or + is high. For exemple, Exhilaration (120+) is stronger than Joy (110 to 119). 



Television – 30 seconds = 10

Television (30)/Online Video (15) = 13

Cinema – 30 seconds = 17.5

Online or social media video (15 seconds) = 3

Magazines, dailies, weeklies = 2.75

Inserts, flyers, direct mail = 3.30

Print/digital version (any) = 4.13

Print or digital version = 2.07

Digital print version = 1.38

Static OOH - highway 1 week. = 0.86

Static OOH - highway 4 weeks. = 0.98

Highway digital OOH 1 week = 1.05

Highway digital OOH 4 weeks. = 1.20

Static street/pedestrian OOH 1 week. = 1.05

Static street/pedestrian OOH 4 weeks. = 1.54

Street/pedestrian digital OOH 1 week = 1.36

Street/pedestrian digital OOH 4 weeks = 1.56

Static OOH Indoor 1 week. = 1.67

Static OOH Indoor 4 weeks. = 1.76

Digital OOH Indoor 1 week = 1.54

Digital OOH Indoor 4 weeks = 1.56

Banners-Desktop = 1.5

Banners-Mobile/Smartphone = 1.25

Radio – 30 seconds = 2.2

*Podcast – 30 seconds = 2.33

Sources: Lumen Research, Dentsu and Amplified Intelligence *Zoolook Intelligence estimate. In our model, those who listened to a podcast yesterday have 6% higher active attention than the radio. Important note: In a situation where average active attention seconds results diverged greatly between sources,Zoolook Intelligence chose the most conservative number.


However, in the case of OOH we opted for a duration of 8 weeks rather than 4 because OOH is at its best for building brand image in the long term. It is from 8 weeks that the billboard begins to have an impact while at 12 weeks the results on brand consideration are the most profitable.


Television = 2.40

Télévision/Online Videos = 2.20

Online Video = 2.00

Cinema * = 1.97

Out Of Home = 1.94

Print (Newspapers/magazines) = 1.60

Radio or Podcast = 1.35

Social Media, Web banners or postal offers addressed = 1.00

Publi-sacs, flyers, brochures, unaddressed offers * = 0.94

Print Inserts * = 0.65

AVERAGE = 1.61

Sources : Profit Ability – The Business Case for Advertising,

Ebiquity – Gain Theory, Special Report 2018; Medias in Focus, Marketing Effectiveness

in the Digital Era, Les Binet et Peter Field.  * Zoolook Intelligence estimate