Happy Personality and Media Ad Attention

Published on 29 July 2024 at 15:10

Research suggests that happy individuals tend to have better attention levels, particularly in how they allocate their attention towards positive stimuli.

Married couples are happier.

Overall, happy individuals not only show a bias towards positive stimuli but also maintain better cognitive functions and build resources that enhance their attention levels.


This relationship underscores the broader benefits of happiness on cognitive and attentional processes.


Higher trait of happiness is linked to a sustained attention towards positive images, independent of momentary positive or negative feelings.

The indicators of happiness

Zoolook find that 4 factors strongly influence happiness : age, health, income and marriage. We use these indicators in the database of Vividata to match it with psychographic statements.


We keep one statement that corrolate with the 4 factors for create a segment. After that, we made crosstabulations with media habits, values and more.


We call this segment «The Happiest». This segment and an other one («The Explorer») are classified to have an ACTIVE ATTENTION to advertising.


They have more propensity to have more concentration with the media and the ad. The picture above is a good representation of this segment.

«The Happiests» (exhilaration/joy)




  • This segment is very receptive to all traditional media, which they consider trustworthy.
  • This is particularly the case for print.
  • For them, reading print media provides an uninterrupted, personal and relaxing experience.
  • The happiests also stand out for their obvious interest in all local media.
  • They have active attention.
  • The Amplified Intelligence firm classifies exhilaration as an emotion that triggers active attention.
  • System 1 Group gets five out of five stars with this emotion.



  • This is the only segment that has already taken steps to ensure sufficient income in retirement.
  • The rising cost of living has no impact on the amount they can save.
  • Their work is very rewarding and they are very dedicated to it.
  • They like to learn new things.



  • The happiests like to plan far into the future and are disinclined to make impulsive purchases.
  • Bargain hunting is not for them but they know how to seize opportunities.
  • They are willing to pay more for quality.
  • They tend to practice sports performed in a mobile, variable and unpredictable environment (bicycle, motorcycle, motorboat) which requires a lot of attention.



  • They like to live a life filled with challenges, novelties and changes.
  • How they spend their time is more important than how much money they make.
  • Family is very important to them.
  • They do not believe that children should be given the right to express themselves freely.
  • They like to take calculated risks.
  • They are interested in political issues and what is happening in their community.



  • This is the group that controls stress best.
  • They are very relaxed.
  • After the Cautious segment, these are the ones who have the best quality of sleep.
  • They could live without the internet and social media which they distrust.
  • They trust traditional media websites which they consider to be fair and important for maintaining democracy.

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